
Press Release Ohio Auditor of State

Taylor Looks Forward to 2008

Outlines Accomplishments Made During First Year in Office

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Columbus -

Auditor of State Mary Taylor is marking the anniversary of her first term in office by announcing a significant improvement in the timeliness for which audit reports are released from her office. During 2007, Taylor released nearly 4,000 audit reports which is an improvement of approximately 12 percent from the prior year. This includes 162 audit reports identifying findings for recovery, or determinations that money was improperly spent and must be repaid, totaling more than $3.2 million.

“Upon taking office, I made it a priority to provide audited financial statements to public entities in a more timely and efficient manner and that’s exactly what we have done,” Taylor said. “With the hard work and dedication of our professional staff, we have significantly increased our audit productivity.”

Taylor’s first year also included collaboration with state legislators to enact provisions improving accountability and transparency in the way state government operates and spends tax dollars, including:

  • Strengthening the internal audit process within state agencies to help prevent another Bureau of Workers’ Compensation-type scandal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars
  • Implementing measures outlined in the performance audit of Medicaid to potentially save $35 million and hosting forums around the state to continue discussions about other recommendations made to improve the delivery of Medicaid services
  • Improving the financial oversight of charter schools by ceasing state funding for schools failing to submit documents to conduct an effective audit and working to provide school administrators with proper financial training

Additionally, Taylor implemented enhancements to policies and procedures that make the Auditor of State’s office more accessible, transparent and secure, including:

  • Focusing more attention on preventing, detecting and stopping the fraud, waste and abuse of public funds by promoting the office’s special investigations unit
  • Developing a database of all public entities that were unable to provide the necessary documents to complete a routine audit
  • Training elected officials and Ohio citizens on the state’s open records laws by working to produce, in collaboration with the Attorney General’s office, a comprehensive guide to sunshine laws, in addition to providing training seminars in communities throughout the state
  • Updating technology that improves the security of personal information gathered during the course of an audit

“I’m honored to be in this position having a positive affect on the operation of state government and I look forward to continuing my public service to Ohio’s citizens,” Taylor said.

Taylor took office as Ohio’s 31st Auditor of State on January 8, 2007. She is the only certified public accountant in the state’s history to serve as State Auditor.


The Ohio Auditor of State’s office is one of the largest accounting offices in the nation.  The office strives to ensure that all public funds are spent legally and appropriately and works aggressively to root out fraud, waste and abuse in public spending. Taylor encourages anyone suspecting fraud or misspending of public dollars to contact her office toll free at 1-866-FRAUD-OH (1-866-372-8364).